Feb. 5 - Update on Cade and Three Gifts stitched, hammered, and woven
Our first full day home was an extremely busy one. The day was very busy setting up therapy and Doctor appointments.
Cade is using a walker right now but every step he takes he has to have someone behind him. The house has been pretty quiet because noise bothers him. He had a few visitors in the afternoon. Multiple visitors at one time was a little hard to process all the conversations. It is amazing to see the progress that he is making. We see some deficits that will be worked out over time. We do know that GOD has used this situation to work in many lives.
We are still so humbled and thankful for all the love shown.
My joy dare today is three gifts stitched, hammered, and woven.
My gift stitched is God stitching and mending Cade. HIS hand gently guided the medical staff. HIS hand on Cade's recovery.
My gift hammered is the hands and feet of Jesus that by his dying on the Cross gave me eternal life.
Colossians 2:14 NLT
He canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross.
My gift woven is the crown of thorns placed on Jesus head.
John 19:2 NLT
The soldiers wove a crown of thorns and put it on his head, and they put a purple robe on him.
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