Feb. 11 -Three Gifts in Working

Today my three gifts are gifts in working.

  The first gift came at 5:30 in the morning. A noise from the baby monitor woke me. I jumped out of bed to check on Cade. He met me in the kitchen and said, l'm just getting some Powerade. It was the first time since January 30, that I heard my Cade's voice, his real voice, not the weak voice of a child that had been in ICU for five days.  No pain killers clouded his voice, I felt relief.  He sounded strong. GOD has done a work in Cade's healing making him stronger.

The second gift  in working came to mind when I settled into my office chair.  I have such a great team that I work with daily.  I am very fortunate to know each and everyone of them.

The third gift in working are the people in the community that I get to meet. 

More on Cade

Today was the follow-up CT Scan and appointment with the Neurosurgeon.  Cade had 62 staples removed from his head and one stitch.   Even with the staple removal, Cade did not need his pain medication.  We will be looking for a Neurologist to continue monitor Cade's progress. 


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