Feb. 17 - Three Gifts Found in Giving and Serving

Today, we had special visitors at the house for dinner.  The Matriarch of our Guyanese family came over to love on Cade by fixing him a traditional Guyanese meal.  This is the family that Scott and Cade stay with when on the soccer mission field.  We were thankful that she was able to come over before she travels back to Guyana.

Cade was in great spirit but it was obvious when he became tired.

My three gifts today in giving and serving come in different ways. 

My first gift of serving is as a membership of the Rotary Club.  We are working on little free libraries to be put up all over the county.  We have collected around 500 books so far and need more.

My second gift in serving is as the chairman of the Butts County Pregnancy Resource Center.  We are currently working on becoming a medical clinic to he able to do ultrasounds.  I have been a part if this ministry for many years.

The third gift in serving is our family involvement in the soccer ministry to Guyana.


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