Feb. 21- Three Gifts White

With today being Saturday, we decided to go shopping.  Cade opted to venture out with Mom and I.  Our first stop was Dry Falls Outfitters, Cade's favorite clothes store.  After Dry Falls we went to The Sock Shoppe.  This proved to be too much for Cade and he was ready to go.  We decided to try eating out at Truett's. Cade made it through, but it was extremely noisy for Cade.  We came back home to let him rest.  I think rest looks like playing video games in the bonus room.

My gifts

My gifts today are in white.  The first gift is my white flag of surrender to Jesus.  Allowing him to have control.

My second gift is the paper where all my unforgiven sins are written.

Romans 4:7-8 NLT

“Oh, what joy for those whose disobedience is forgiven, whose sins are put out of sight. Yes, what joy for those whose record the lord has cleared of sin.”

The third gift in white is the clouds in the sky.  Not the dull gray ones we see today, but the bright white clouds that look as if heaven is coming down to us.  They remind me of the second coming of Jesus.


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