March 1- Three gifts at 3 pm

Sunday morning at church was great!  We had Peter Shirokov from Chosen People Ministries come and walk us through a Passover Meal.  All the symbolism that points to Jesus.  The fulfillment of the Passover Lamb.
My gifts today all came at 3pm.   They definitely are tied together.  What is better that rest on a Sunday afternoon?

  1. The recliner for resting.
  2. Keurig machine for coffee. 
  3. Yoga pants for comfort.
Speaking of meals and rest, on Saturday our last Meal Train meal was delivered.  I want to say thank you to those that participated and brought each lovely meal.  Your providing a meal for my family to eat was such a great help to me for the first month of Cade being at home.  This gave us time to recuperate with Cade.  Even though he has a little ways to go, your food helped make him stronger.  On a side note it also gave Akseli a wider view of food in America.  He enjoyed the experience of all the different foods.  We have learned the true meaning of Christian community and taking care of each other.

So we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.
Romans 12:5


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