March 4 - Three Gifts Hard to Give Thanks For

Today was our first visit to the Neurologist with Cade. I sat back and watched the Doctor ask questions and then do an exam.   There was a look of disbelief on the Doctor's face as he performed the exam.  The Doctor found no deficits in Cade.  Cade will be coming off the preventative seizure medication.  He has been given permission to start driving some (We will have to see if he is driving well or if he will be in a re-learning mode), and he can go back to school on Monday with a modified schedule.  This does not clear him to play soccer.  He does still have to have his skull fuse back together before he can do that.

I sat in the back seat of the car on the way home reflecting on this detour.  I really am in a state of disbelief.  Not in a bad way, but the heaviness of what we have gone through since January 30.  GOD is so GOOD.  We are SO unworthy of the grace and healing that he has given us.   Taking a line from John Mark McMillan, "if grace were an ocean, we're all sinking."    I know that I am sinking in GOD's grace.

Three Hard Thanksgivings

  • Making a mistake, It gives us an opportunity to learn.
  • Missing my father,wishing he was here to see his grandsons instead of praising that 1996 he was freed from cancer in heaven.
  • Aging, seeing signs of getting older


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